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Learn to Read, Write and Enjoy বাংলা [Bangla] Online

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Some of the resources on the site, can be accessed with your device. For example, I hope you will find a device with a larger screen and use it to have an enjoyable experience learning and using Bangla. Simply enter "" in any internet browser and Login.

Welcome to

This site is designed and developed for those who know English and aspire to learn, write and practice conversational Bangla.
  1. Ready to use 24/7, from anywhere in the world as long as you have an Internet connection or Wi-Fi
  2. The software can run on any modern Desktop, Laptop, Tablet or Smartphone with Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS or Android
  3. The software never has to be installed or maintained by the learner - it is all on the server

There are 1613 Registrants from 62 Countries

The Last 20 Visitors are ...

Aakash D.
Ganaur, Sonipat
Tayren B.
Cathedral City..
Valeria H.
Nico H.
Satiprasad B.
Toronto ON
Aniruddha C.
Emilia S.
Liam O.
Eli K.
Das A.
Mayapur WB
Roshni M.
Karan B.
Nowara T.
Pankaj K.
Chakia N.
Auburndale FL
Yam F.
Baltimore MD
Toby M.
Blue Ridge TX
Brighid I.
Belchertown, MA
Priti R.
Newport, Wales
Dev K.

Click on About Registrants to see a summary of where registrants live, and a short Bangla video about each country.

What Bangla Can You Learn on this Site?

1 - Casual Interest

You could be a current or potential visitor to "Bengal" or a friend of a Bengali. You may not want to invest a lot of time and effort, but you want to pick up some conversational snippets to gain some confidence in speaking to real people.

2 - Learn Basics of Bangla Script and Pronunciation

This is important even for reading shop and street signs in Bengali speaking areas. To learn the Bangla script, the letters and words need to be presented with sound so that the learner can see and hear at the same time.

3 - Learn to Make Sentences

At this stage, people usually enrolled in classroom courses. With the advent of internet learning, online courses, like this site, are filling the void.

4 - Express Yourself with Bangla Writing

Considerable effort is spent creating Bangla text using the universal English ("Latin") keyboard. Most people learn a way (using a software key mapping) to type Bangla text. These Input Method Editors (IMEs) are different across computers, so your carefully learned Mac scheme will not be usable when you use the PC in the local Public Library. Bangla is phonetically consistent. Two methods of writing Bangla which work exactly the same across all platforms

5 - A Complete Course in Bangla - On the internet, anytime, anyplace

This "Guided Course" is intended to take the learner through a journey of learning the Bangla Alphabet followed by the Rules of Grammar that are needed to become adept at Conversational Bangla. Videos have been added to help the learner with the correct pronunciation of the words and sentences that are used in these lessons.

6 - Actively Read, Write, Hear and Increase your Knowledge of Bangla

If you live in Bangladesh or West Bengal, your knowledge of Bangla would surely grow through the process of immersion. But many new learners do not live in a Bangla speaking region in the World.
Here is a growing portal of Bangla links for users to experience Bangla Literature, Newspapers, Nagazines, Music, Videos, Movies to stimulate the "Bangali" in you!

The contents of this site are listed in more detail at About This Site.

If you are not sure that you can entrust your Bangla learning to me, you can check me out by clicking on About Me.

Thank you for visiting this site. If I can help you in any way in your quest to learn and use Bangla, send me a comment by clicking on Mail to Supriyo Sen. I want to make your Bangla experience a most positive one.

সুপ্রিয় সেন
Supriyo Sen