More Nouns - Names of Person, Place or Thing
Noun -a word (other than a Pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things (common noun), or to name a particular one of these (proper noun) table, dog, teacher, CanadaSince Nouns are required in both Subject Phrases and Object Phrases, acquiring an extensive Vocabulary for Nouns becomes very important.
These Nouns are grouped by category for you to remember them in context.
English | Bangla |
thing | জিনিস jinis |
person | মানুষ manuSh |
man | লোক lOk |
woman | নারী narI |
boy | ছেলে chhele |
girl | মেয়ে meye |
child | বাচ্চা bachcha |
infant | শিশু shishu |
group | দল dol |
public | জনগণ jonogoN |
Nouns-Parts of the Body
English | Bangla |
body | শরীর shorIr |
skin | চামড়া chamoRa |
head | মাথা matha |
throat | গলা gola |
neck | ঘাঢ় ghaRh |
hair | চুল chul |
forehead | কপাল kopal |
eye | চোখ chOkh |
eyebrow | ভুরু bhuru |
ear | কান kan |
nose | নাক nak |
face | মুখ mukh |
mouth | মুখ mukh |
lip | ঠোঁট ThOn^T |
tongue | জিব jib |
tooth | দাঁত dan^t |
cheek | গাল gal |
chest | বুক buk |
belly | পেট peT |
navel | নাভি nabhi |
waist | কোমর kOmor |
back | পিঠ piTh |
hand | হাত hat |
leg | পা pa |
finger | আঙুল aNgul |
nail | নখ nokh |
English | Bangla |
time | সময় somoy |
year | বছর bochhor |
month | মাস mas |
week | সপ্তাহ soptaho |
day | দিন din |
hour | ঘন্টা ghonTa |
today | আজ aj |
tomorrow | আগামিকাল agamikal |
yesterday | গতকাল gotokal |
morning | সকাল sokal |
noon | দুপুর dupur |
afternoon | বিকাল bikal |
evening | সন্ধ্যা sondhYa |
night | রাত্রি ratri |
English | Bangla |
way | পথ poth |
road | রাস্তা rasta |
world | পৃথিবী prrithibI |
life | জীবন jIbon |
part | অংশ ongsho |
sun | সূর্য sUrJo |
moon | চাঁদ chan^d |
star | তারকা taroka |
earth | পৃথিবী prrithibI |
land | জমি jomi |
ocean | সাগর sagor |
north | উত্তর দিক uttor dik |
south | দক্ষিণ দিক dokShiN dik |
east | পূর্ব দিক pUrbo dik |
west | পশ্চিম দিক poshchim dik |
colors | রং rong |
Nouns-Common Animals
English | Bangla |
cat | বিড়াল biRal |
dog | কুকুর kukur |
cow | গরু goru |
calf | বাছুর bachhur |
buffalo | মোষ mOSh |
goat | ছাগল chhagol |
sheep | ভেড়া bheRa |
horse | ঘোড়া ghORa |
camel | উট uT |
monkey | বাঁদর ban^dor |
deer | হরিণ horiN |
jackal | শিয়াল shiyal |
bear | ভাল্লুক bhalluk |
crocodile | কুমির kumir |
lion | সিংহ singho |
tiger | বাঘ bagh |
Nouns-Common Birds
English | Bangla |
egg | ডিম Dim |
chicken | মুরগি murogi |
cock | মোরগ mOrog |
duck | হাঁস han^s |
crow | কাক kak |
owl | প্যাঁচা pYan^cha |
peacock | ময়ূর moyUr |
cuckoo | কোকিল kOkil |
heron | বক bok |
eagle | ঈগল Igol |
kite | চিল chil |
Nouns-Common Vegetables
English | Bangla |
potato | আলু alu |
onion | পেঁয়াজ pen^yaj |
cauliflower | ফুলকপি phulokopi |
cabbage | বাঁধাকপি ban^dhakopi |
carrot | গাজর gajor |
eggplant | বেগুন begun |
Nouns-Common Fruits
English | Bangla |
mango | আম am |
orange | কমলা লেবু komola lebu |
apple | আপেল apel |
grape | আঙুর aNgur |
pineapple | আনারস anaros |
jackfruit | কাঁঠাল kan^Thal |
banana | কলা kola |
guava | পেয়ারা peyara |
English | Bangla |
cloud | মেঘ megh |
ink | কালি kali |
blood | রক্ত rokto |
sky | আকাশ akash |
grass | ঘাস ghas |
hat | টুপি Tupi |
rose | গোলাপ gOlap |
shoes | জুতো jutO |
house | বাড়ি baRi |
home | বাড়ি baRi |
pictures | ছবি chhobi |
rice | ভাত bhat |
sari | শাড়ি shaRi |
English | Bangla |
zero 0 | শূন্য ০ shUnYo 0 |
one 1 | এক ১ ek 1 |
two 2 | দুই ২ dui 2 |
three 3 | তিন ৩ tin 3 |
four 4 | চার ৪ char 4 |
five 5 | পাঁচ ৫ pan^ch 5 |
six 6 | ছয় ৬ chhoy 6 |
seven 7 | সাত ৭ sat 7 |
eight 8 | আট ৮ aT 8 |
nine 9 | নয় ৯ noy 9 |
ten 10 | দশ ১০ dosh 10 |
Numbers-Measure Words
When you refer to a number of objects, the number is used as a measure word (MW). For example, you may want to say "nine cows". The "nine" is used as a measure word. Here is an example:English | Nine cows |
Literal English | Nine-MW cow |
Bangla | নয়টা গরু noyoTa goru |
There is a special case of MW when you refer to "many". In this case, the suffix of -গুলো (-gulO) is used. If you are referring to people, the suffix -জন (-jon) is used. "Many people" will become অনেকজন লোক (onekojon lok).
Enumerating Nouns
English | Bangla |
MW-1 one | একটা ekoTa |
MW-2 two | দুইটা duiTa |
MW-3 three | তিনটা tinoTa |
MW-4 four | চারটা charoTa |
MW-5 five | পাঁচটা pan^choTa |
MW-6 six | ছয়টা chhoyoTa |
MW-7 seven | সাতটা satoTa |
MW-8 eight | আটটা aToTa |
MW-9 nine | নয়টা noyoTa |
MW-10 ten | দশটা doshoTa |
MW-many (objects) | -গুলো -gulO |
MW-many (people) | -জন -jon |
Enumerating Nouns
English | Bangla |
I have one head. | আমার একটা মাথা আছে। amar ekoTa matha achhe. |
I have two eyes. | আমার দুইটা চোখ আছে। amar duiTa chOkh achhe. |
I want to see three cars. | আমি তিনটা গাড়ি দেখব। ami tinoTa gaRi dekhobo. |
There are four houses on my street. | আমার রাস্তায়ে চারটা বাড়ি আছে। amar rastaye charoTa baRi achhe. |
I have five fingers in each hand. | আমার একটি হাতে পাঁচটা আঙুল আছে। amar ekoTi hate pan^choTa aNgul achhe. |
I am seeing you after six months. | আমি ছয়েটা মাসের পরে তোমাকে দেখছি। ami chhoyeTa maser pore tOmake dekhochhi. |
There are seven days in a week. | একটি সপ্তাহে সাতটা দিন আছে। ekoTi soptahe satoTa din achhe. |
I have bought eight saris for my friends. | আমি আমার বন্ধুদের জন্য আটটা শাড়ি কিনেছি। ami amar bondhuder jonYo aToTa shaRi kinechhi. |
I will see you after nine months. | আমি নয়েটা মাস পরে তোমাকে দেখব। ami noyeTa mas pore tOmake dekhobo. |
I have ten fingers in my hands. | আমার হাতে দশটা আঙুল আছে। amar hate doshoTa aNgul achhe. |
I saw many people buying many saris in the shop. | আমি দোকানে অনেকজন লোক দেখলাম শারিগুলো কিনছে। ami dOkane onekojon lOk dekholam sharigulO kinochhe. |
Names of Relatives in Bangla
Family is very important to Bengalis. Large families often lived together, with many generations under one roof. Often, a young man would marry and he and his bride would continue to live in the family homestead. Such families were called "Joint families". This is becoming much less common with young people moving away to college and jobs, especially in the urban areas, forming what in Western cultures is known as the Nuclear family.There is no Bangla word for cousin. All cousins are called brothers or sisters with an adjective (like "paternal uncle's son") as in ও আমার মামাতো ভাই O amar mamatO bhai to describe a cousin who is your maternal uncle's son.
In Western cultures, a father's brother or mother's brother is an uncle, and a father's sister or mother's sister is an aunt. In Bangla, we have different names for siblings of our parents.
It was also considered impolite and disrespectful to use somebody's name when talking to them directly, especially one' husband or older relative. It is common to hear a wife call her husband ওগো, আমার কাছে আসবে? OgO, amar kachhe asobe? to ask her husband to come near her.
In a large family, each brother or sister was given a "placeholder" name for them to be referred to by their younger siblings. The most common were বড়দা, মেজদা, ছোড়দা boRoda, mejoda, chhORoda for the eldest, middle and youngest brother and the corresponding বড়দি, মেজদি, ছোড়দি boRodi, mejodi, chhORodi for sisters.
For the sake of completeness, I should mention that remarriages did take place usually by men whose wife had died. The prefix সৎ- sot^- means "step" in English. So you could derive a whole set of words like সৎমা, সৎবাবা, সৎদাদা, সৎভাই, সৎদিদি, সৎবোন, সৎমেয়ে, সৎছেলে sot^ma, sot^baba, sot^dada, sot^bhai, sot^didi, sot^bOn, sot^meye, sot^chhele to mean "stepmother, stepfather, stepbrother, stepbrother, stepsister, stepsister, stepdaughter and stepson" respectively.
The words for relatives' names as commonly used in West Bengal are summarized by generational markers in the list below. In Bangladesh, a few of the words are different, like abba for father and chacha for paternal uncle, but the basic pattern of naming is similar. For simplicity, I have not included Bangladesh variations in this list.
English | Bangla |
maternal grandfather | দাদু dadu |
maternal grandmother | দিদিমা didima |
paternal grandfather | ঠাকুরদাদা Thakurodada |
paternal grandmother | ঠাকুরমা Thakuroma |
grandfather-in-law | দাদাশ্বশুর dadu |
grandmother-in-law | দিদিশাশুরি didima |
English | Bangla |
mother | মা ma |
father | বাবা baba |
father-in-law | শ্বশুর shwoshur |
mother-in-law | শাশুরি shashuri |
Parents' Siblings
English | Bangla |
maternal uncle | মামা mama |
maternal aunt | মাসি masi |
wife of maternal uncle | মামিমা mamima |
husband of maternal aunt | মেসো mesO |
paternal uncle(older than father) | জেঠা jeTha |
paternal uncle(younger than father) | কাকা kaka |
paternal aunt | পিসি pisi |
wife of paternal uncle(older) | জেঠিমা jethima |
wife of paternal uncle(younger) | কাকিমা kakima |
husband of paternal aunt | পিসে pise |
Us-current generation
English | Bangla |
husband | স্বামী swamI |
husband | বর bor |
wife | স্ত্রী strI |
wife | বউ bou |
English | Bangla |
elder brother | দাদা dada |
younger brother | ভাই bhai |
elder sister | দিদি didi |
younger sister | বোন bOn |
wife of elder brother | বউদি boudi |
wife of younger brother | ভাইবউ bhaibou |
husband of sister | ভগিনীপতি bhoginIpoti |
English | Bangla |
brother of husband | ঠাকুরপো ThakuropO |
sister of husband | ঠাকুরঝি Thakurojhi |
brother of wife | শালা shala |
sister of wife | শালি shali |
English | Bangla |
children of jeTha | জেঠতুতো দাদা/ভাই/দিদি/বোন jeThotutO dada/bhai/didi/bOn |
children of kaka | খুড়তুতো দাদা/ভাই/দিদি/বোন khuRotutO dada/bhai/didi/bOn |
children of pisi | পিসতুতো দাদা/ভাই/দিদি/বোন pisotuTo dada/bhai/didi/bOn |
children of mama | মামাতো দাদা/ভাই/দিদি/বোন mamatO dada/bhai/didi/bOn |
children of mashi | মাসতুতো দাদা/ভাই/দিদি/বোন masotutO dada/bhai/didi/bOn |
English | Bangla |
daughter | মেয়ে meye |
son | ছেলে chhele |
daughter-in-law | বউমা bouma |
son-in-law | জামাই jamai |
English | Bangla |
granddaughter | নাতনি natoni |
grandson | নাতি nati |
husband of granddaughter | নাতজামাই natojamai |
wife of grandson | নাতবউ natobou |