Forgot your Password? Credentials sent to registered emailID
Email ID
Registration for a New User
Email ID
First Name
Last Name
Choosing a Password
Your password should ideally be more than 7 characters long as longer passwords are more secure. It is highly recommended that you choose an unique password for each site that you go to. Some people choose a phrase like "WhereTheMindIsWithoutFear" (a famous Tagore poem) so that they can easily remember their password. In the Welcome email, only the first and last two characters are shown for security reasons.
Each user needs to set up an unique identity on the system. Since we want to make sure that we can easily communicate with users, we have chosen an user's Email ID as the most practical and useful unique ID. The user's Name (separated as First Name and Last Name) is useful when communicating with them. Finally, we want to save the geographical location of a user to be sensitive to their time zone when communicating by phone or streaming video that may be useful for the learning process.
Please register by filling in the Registration form. Make sure that the email ID you enter is easily accessible to you. All system communications will be sent to this email. If an invalid email is entered, the registration will be immediately deleted.
The password should be more than 7 characters. Longer passwords are more secure. It is highly recommended that you choose an unique password for each site that you visit. Some people choose a phrase like "WhereTheMindIsWithoutFear" (a famous Tagore poem) so that they can easily remember their password. The password is not displayed on any online screen. In the Welcome email, only the first and last two characters are shown for security reasons. If you forget the password, you will have to register again, and all your usage history will be lost.
After successful registration, an email will be sent to you with
Subject: Welcome to to acknowledge
successful registration, document your Profile and to provide a guide to the various capabilities of the site. Please save this email to remember your credentials. A database record is created on the server to identify you for subsequent visits.
A registered user can use multiple devices and only needs to login from each device as necessary. For example, I use an iMac, an iPad, and an iPhone. For testing, I also have set up a Windows 10 and a Linux Ubuntu 14 under VirtualBox, an App that runs under Mac OS. Only one registration is required.
Since Registration sets up your profile, you should Register again if you want to change your Password, Name or Location. If you want to change your Email ID, you need to register as a new user. The history of your activities can be manually coordinated by sending an email to
The registration record on the server will be removed after six months of inactivity or on your emailed request. Registered users will get an activity status report by email twice a month.
For your convenience, the system has been designed to remember your Login credentials on any computer, tablet or smartphone for 90 days from your last visit. If you are a frequent visitor, you can expect to be "auto logged-in" and go directly to the site,
Browser settings on some computers may restricts how long login credentials will be remembered. Public computers like the local Library or Internet Cafes usually reset every day. In these cases, the auto-login will not be effective and you will have to Login every time.
If you are not auto logged-in when you access the site, please Login using the login panel.
Course Objective
Learning a new language does take some effort and hard work. Self study with formal text books in a classroom environment may take too long to produce visible progress. This course is designed for Internet users who want to learn the fundamentals of Bangla to be able to participate in conversations in Bangla.
This is an immersive 9 Lesson course that can be completed in 14 weeks of intensive study. You can also just follow the Lesson Plan and take the course at your own pace. I will help you through email ( if you have any questions.
The Teaching Method
We know that a five-year-old child can speak in grammatically correct sentences in their "Mother Tongue." They do not have a large vocabulary at that point, but manage to express themselves adequately. Linguists theorize that humans are born with a "language instinct" and they pick up the nuances of grammatical construction from their parents' conversations.
The teaching method in this site emulates how a child would learn their "Mother Tongue".
Learning the Alphabet
First, you would have to familiarize yourself with the Bangla Alphabet - Vowels and Consonants.
Next, you need to understand how the sound of a Consonant is modified by Vowels (represented as diacritics). Finally, you have to learn the concept of Compound Consonants, where a consonant sound immediately follows another Consonant.
Words and Vocabulary
Words are made up from the letters in the Alphabet. A large vocabulary of words is useful only if you understand how they can be put together in grammatically correct Sentence.
Grammar & Sentence Formation
A grammar framework needs to be established early, incuding common Parts of Speech (like Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, etc.) similar to what you already know in English. Then vocabulary words are introduced within this framework. Sample sentences are used to put these words in a learning context. The learning process includes the student's ability to experience writing the Bangla sentences as
you learn new words.
This approach will appear to be different from most Bangla textbooks and the large variety of resources available on the Internet.
Your learning will be easier and your comprehension will be deeper if you work through the Lessons presented below.
We will be using two interactive ebooks on this site - - "Learn the Bangla Alphabet" and "Introduction to Conversational Bangla". Many external sources (like YouTube videos) will also be referenced as necessary.