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Guided Course - Conversational Bangla
- Preface
How this book is organized - The Bangla Alphabet and English Phonetic Representation
The Bangla Alphabet is covered in the companion "Learn The Bangla Alphabet". In this chapter, a tool is introduced for the user to write Bangla letters using English Phonetic. This will be useful as you learn Bangla words and want to write them with Bangla alphabets. - Words, Parts of Speech and Forming Grammatically Correct Sentences
Parts of Speech (Noun, Pronoun, Verb etc) have counterparts in Bangla. The structure of sentences is different in Bangla. It is important to understand the difference so that you make grammatically corrent sentences. - The Essential Parts of Speech - Nouns, Pronouns, Determiners and Verbs
Every sentence has a Subject, Object and Verb Phrase. Subject and Object will have Nouns, Pronouns and (optionally) Determiners. This chapter introduces Nouns, Pronouns, Determiners and Verbs and shows how they are formed into sentences. - More Pronouns - Words Replacing Nouns
A larger vocabulary of Pronouns is presented in this chapter - More Nouns - Names of Person, Place or Thing
A larger vocabulary of Nouns is presented in this chapter. These Nouns are grouped by category to help you learn the words in context. - Possessive Case for Nouns & Pronouns - Describing Ownership
Possessive Case is used both for Nouns and Pronouns. This chapter shows you how to use the Possessive Case. - Verbs - Words of Action - and Verb Conjugation
Verbs have a root form and 24 conjugations based on Person and Tense. The rules for conjugation are presented and verbs are introduced in groups, based on usage. - Adverbs - Words Describing Verbs
A number of common Adverbs are presented here. - Adjectives - Words Describing Nouns
Some common Adjectives are shown with examples of their use in describing Nouns. - Prepositions - Describing Positions of Nouns
Prepositions are actually Postpositions in Bangla as they occur after the Noun they are associated with. In this chapter, you will see how you can use Prepositions to describe a location or position associated with a Noun - Conjunctions - Words Joining Nouns or Phrases
Only a few Conjunctions are required for most conversations. The uses of Conjunctions in joining two Nouns or two Phrases are explained in this chapter - Yes, No and Verb Negation(Not)
Yes and No are two important words. Verbs are also negated using a variation of No. This is like the English "I want to eat" versus "I do not want to eat". - Punctuation
Punctuation in Bangla is similar to Punctuation in English except for the end-of-sentence marker. Examples are given for the use of punctuation. - Examples of Conversations Applying Grammar Rules
This is an example of using the Grammar rules in the previous chapters to develop a dialog(ue). - Summary of Grammar Rules for Conversational Bangla
All the Grammar Rules for Conversational Bangla that have been covered before are summarized here for quick reference