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Your password should ideally be more than 7 characters long as longer passwords are more secure. It is highly recommended that you choose an unique password for each site that you go to. Some people choose a phrase like "WhereTheMindIsWithoutFear" (a famous Tagore poem) so that they can easily remember their password. In the Welcome email, only the first and last two characters are shown for security reasons.

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Lesson 2 - Vowel Signs and Compound Consonants

In Lesson 1, we covered the Basic Alphabet in Bangla. Bangla (like other Sanskrit-based languages) allows transformation of Vowels and Consonants. In this lesson the course material is based on Chapters 5-9 of "Learn the Bangla Alphabet." We will address two concepts common to all Indic Languages - Vowel Signs and Compound Consonants. When a vowel sound modifies a consonant, the vowel is written as a diacritic attached to the consonant. When two or more consonant sounds are pronounced together, a compound consonant is formed.

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