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We have looked at Nouns, Pronouns, and Determiners. It is now necessary to study Verbs. Verbs and Verb Conjugations are the most difficult topic for new learners because of the number of new words you have to memorize. Here, however, we will try to show you patterns in words and word-endings so that you can learn a lot of new words and predict the conjugations as you learn them. The course material is in Chapter 8 of "Introduction to Conversational Bangla." Extensive use is made of the Verb Conjugation Wizard to study patterns in the conjugated verb forms.
Course Content
- Verbs – Words of Action – and Conjugation
- Learn to use the Verb Conjugation Wizard
Video Clips for Course Material
- Intro
- Hear/Say/See
- Learning/Skills
- Personal, Daily, People and General Actions
- Travel, Transact, Events
- Sentences