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Verb Conjugations in Bangla

Verb - a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence. For example, work, learn, eat

Verbs are a necessary part of any sentence. Your Vocabulary of Verbs will let you describe any action with more precision.

Bangla Verbs are "conjugated" (modified) based on Person (first, second or third) and Tense (past, present and future) in which they are used.

Grammarians categorize the three Tenses (Past, Present and Future) as described below. There are 4 forms of Past tense, 3 forms of Present tense and 1 form of Future tense, for a total of 8 forms.

I will use the verb "want" which is চাওয়া chaOya in Bangla, to give examples of The first Person forms of conjugation.

Past TensePresent TenseFuture Tense


The simple past tense in Bangla is generally used for actions or events occurring in the recent past.
  • I wanted
  • আমি চাইলাম ami chailam


The simple present tense in Bangla is generally used for actions that are just occurring.
  • I want
  • আমি চাই ami chai


Only one form of future tense is used in Bangla.
  • I will want
  • আমি চাইব ami chaibo


The continuous past tense in Bangla is used for actions and events that had occurred.
  • I was wanting
  • আমি চাচ্ছিলাম ami chachchhilam


Present continuous tense is used for actions in progress.
  • I am wanting
  • আমি চাচ্ছি ami chachchhi


The past perfect tense is used to express any past action or event at a particular time, where the exact time is not significant. (Simple past is used for actions that have happened in the very recent past.) It is equivalent to the past perfect tense in English.
  • I wanted
  • আমি চেয়েছিলাম ami cheyechhilam


Present perfect is used to express a current action.
  • I have wanted
  • আমি চেয়েছি ami cheyechhi


To express past actions or events that happened habitually or regularly.
  • I used to want
  • আমি চাইতাম ami chaitam
The complete table of 24 conjugations are shown below. You can get the conjugations for any selected verb using the
Verb Conjugation Wizard,


The Verb Conjugation Patterns are shown below for the Verb চাওয়া chaOya which is want in English.


Remembering Verb Conjugations

As you have seen, each Verb you learn has its root form (eg English:want, Bangla:চাওয়া, Phonetic:chaOya ) and 24 other variants. So for every 100 verbs you learn, there are potentially 2,500 words you have to remember. This may appear a little overwhelming, but there is some good news. Bangla verb conjugations have a very consistent pattern. By looking at the pattern of the root verb, I have encoded these rules in software.

If you look at the list above, you will see the following patterns.