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Quizzes for Basic Conversational Bangla

Quizzes for Introduction to Conversational Bangla

Supriyo Sen
September 2015, Toronto, Canada

Table of Contents

Click on the Chapter
  1. Bangla Parts of Speech and Sentence Structure
  2. Bangla Parts of Speech and Sentence Structure
  3. Verbs - Everyday Actions 1
  4. sleep, wake, brush teeth, bathe, eat, drink, go, come, sit, stand
  5. Verbs - Everyday Actions 2
  6. walk, run, run, dance, sing, draw, play, swim, drive, smoke
  7. Verbs - Everyday Actions 3
  8. fall, fly, live, live, put, travel, work, born, marry, die
  9. Verbs - Everyday Actions 4
  10. keep, call, look, give, take, get, search, feel, be, seem
  11. Verbs - Everyday Actions 5
  12. open, close, shut, begin, start, finish, wait, cut, break, fix
  13. Verbs - Everyday Actions 6
  14. fill, eliminate, change, clean, make, make, do, try, can, have
  15. Verbs - Everyday Actions 7
  16. need, want, organise, hurt, hurt, strike, kill
  17. Verbs - Personal Actions 1
  18. know, think, ask, say, tell, speak, spell, listen, talk, reply
  19. Verbs - Personal Actions 2
  20. read, complain, explain, believe, understand, recognize, agree, worry, use, hear
  21. Verbs - Personal Actions 3
  22. learn, teach, write, study, see, look, watch, count, forget, find, lose
  23. Verbs - Article Exchange Actions
  24. bring, send, buy, sell, pay, spend, borrow, steal, accept, allow, sign, leave
  25. Nouns - Entities
  26. thing, person, man, woman, boy, girl, child
  27. Nouns - Parts of the Body
  28. body, skin, head, throat, hair, eye, ear, nose, mouth, cheek, chest, belly, hand, leg, finger, blood
  29. Nouns - Time
  30. time, year, month, week, day, hour, today, tomorrow, yesterday, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, night
  31. Nouns - Nature
  32. way, road, world, sun, moon, ocean, north, south, east, west, colors
  33. Nouns - Animals
  34. cat, dog, cow, goat, sheep, horse, monkey, deer, jackal, bear, lion, tiger
  35. Nouns - Birds
  36. chicken, crow, owl, eagle
  37. Nouns - Vegetables
  38. potato, onion, cauliflower, cabbage, carrot, eggplant
  39. Nouns - Fruits
  40. mango, orange, apple, grape, pineapple, banana, guava
  41. Nouns - Miscellaneous Things
  42. cloud, sky, grass, hat, rose, shoes, house, home, pictures, rice, sari
  43. Nouns - Numbers
  44. zero 0, one 1, two 2, three 3, four 4, five 5, six 6, seven 7, eight 8, nine 9, ten 10
  45. Pronouns Used in the Subject Phrase
  46. I, we, you,you (plural), he/she, they, it, those
  47. Pronouns Used in the Object Phrase
  48. me, you, us, them
  49. Determiners - Specific Instances of Nouns
  50. the, this, that
  51. Adjectives - Colo(u)rs
  52. white, black, red, blue, green, yellow
  53. Adjectives - Descriptive pairs 1
  54. early/late, young/old, new/old , first/last, high/low, good/bad
  55. Adjectives - Descriptive pairs 2
  56. long/short, large/small, few/many, different/same, dirty/clean, hot/cold
  57. Adverbs - Direction pairs
  58. far/near, left/right, under/around
  59. Adverbs - Descriptive
  60. quickly, slowly, very, a little, almost
  61. Prepositions - Place pairs
  62. far/near, above/below, inside/outside, with/among, within/without
  63. Prepositions - Direction pairs
  64. right/left, front/back, previous/next, along/around, in/on, from/into
  65. Prepositions - Time pairs
  66. before/after, at/during, from/for
  67. Conjunctions - Words Joining Nouns or Phrases
  68. and, but, or, because, so