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Choosing a Password
Your password should ideally be more than 7 characters long as longer passwords are more secure. It is highly recommended that you choose an unique password for each site that you go to. Some people choose a phrase like "WhereTheMindIsWithoutFear" (a famous Tagore poem) so that they can easily remember their password. In the Welcome email, only the first and last two characters are shown for security reasons.

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Creating "Assisted" Reading Documents in Bangla

This app prepares Bangla Text for Mouseover Assistance.

Paste the text in Tab#1. Then click on the "Process" button. Tab#2 will now show the transformed text and as you move your mouse over a Bangla word, you will see the English meaning of the Bangla word. The words not found in the Public Dictionary will be highlighted.

In Tab#3, you see the words entered in Bangla together with the dictionary entry that is on the Public dictionary that is maintained on this site.

Enter Bangla Text

Copy/Paste Bangla text below, then click on

Mouseover Assisted Text Display

Mouseover Text will appear here

Click to and Paste to another .htm file

The Public Dictionary

A Glossary of the Bangla Words is produced when you clicked on the "Process" button in Tab#1.

Dictionary Of Words Used

Dictionary entries will be shown here.

Updating the Public Dictionary in Assisted Bangla Apps

The Public Dictionary is meant to be a quick glossary of Bangla Words and their English meaning. Its purpose is to provide a quick translation, word by word, in the "Assisted Bangla" Applications for Text and News on the website.

Any registered user can update this dictionary. The user's registered emailID is recorded for any updates.

Public Dictionary Update

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Acknowledgement: Lookup uses the Samsad Dictionary lookup software developed by Steve Capell ( at