Sentence Construction Wizard
Saved Variables
Sentence Structure
A grammatically correct Sentence has a Subject Phrase, a Verb Phrase and an Object Phrase.Subject has a Noun or Pronoun that shows who the sentence is about.
Verb tells us the action that the Subject is taking.
Object tells us on whom the Subject is taking the action.
English is a S-V-O language. The sentence order is Subject, Verb and Object.
Bangla is a S-O-V language. The sentence order is Subject, Object and Verb.
Planning the Sentence
To make the process of creating a grammatically correct sentence a little easier for you, this Wizard :Uses a limited vocabulary, and translates the English words to Bangla
Restricts the Subject Phrase to simple Pronouns like I, You and Him/Her
Uses a Verb Conjugation Wizard to get the Bangla conjugation of an English Verb, based on your choice of Person and Tense
Based on your Verb choice, it provides a hint of the kinds of sentences you can build
Will let you choose your Noun first in forming the Object Phrase.
Leads you through a series of steps to construct a contextually rich Object Phrase with the Noun followed by optional Prepositions, Determiners and Adjectives
Will finally let you optionally enhance the Verb Phrase with an Adverb.
At each stage of Sentence creation, the Sentence status will be displayed in a floating window, always visible on the top right.
In this wizard we will construct a Simple sentence that will have a Subject, Verb and Object. The vocabulary has been limited so that you can focus on and understand the different Parts of Speech (POS) and their use in forming a grammatically correct Bangla sentence. The following POS are used here:
Subject Phrase
Pronoun to show the person performing the action
Verb Phrase
Verb conjugated by Person and Tense
Optional Adverb to further describe the Verb action
Object Phrase
Noun to define the person, place or thing on whom the action is taken
Optional Preposition in case you want to provide a place or time context to your Noun
Optional Determiner to specify an instance of the Noun
Optional Adjective to describe some characterics of the Noun
The constructed sentence will look like this:
English S-V-O
Subject (Pronoun) Verb (Verb Adverb) Object (Preposition Determiner Adjective Noun)
Bangla S-O-V
Subject (Pronoun) Object (Determiner Adjective Noun Preposition) Verb (Adverb Verb)
Note that Subject, Object and Verb positions in the Sentence are different. In addition, Adverbs and Prepositions are placed differently in the Verb and Object Phrases respectively.
Preview Sample Sentences
Put your mouse over to see suggestions on Object formation with the Verbs in the Wizard.Close the Window, when done.
Let us start to create the sentence.
The Subject Phrase
We will start by creating the Subject.Choose the Pronoun for the Subject
Choose a Pronoun which matches your idea of the sentence you will create.Pronoun List | |
In Object | |
me আমাকে amake | you-object তোমাকে tOmake |
him/her-object ওকে Oke | |
In Subject | |
I আমি ami | you তুমি tumi |
he ও O | she ও O |
we আমরা amora | you-plural তোমরা tOmora |
they ওরা Ora | he/she ও O |
In Subject, Inanimate | |
it ওটা OTa | those ওগুলো OgulO |
Pronoun choice
The Verb Phrase
We will now choose a root verb for the sentence.Choosing the Conjugated Verb for the Verb Phrase
Since Verbs are conjugated based on Person and Tense, we will then choose the Verb Form that we want in the sentence.Click on the Verb.
Verb List | |
10Hear/Say/See | |
ask জিজ্ঞাসা করা jijNGasa kora | hear/listen শোনা shOna |
look তাকানো takanO | say/tell বলা bola |
see দেখা dekha | talk/speak কথা বলা kotha bola |
20Learning/Skills | |
call ডাকা Daka | dance নাচা nacha |
draw আঁকা an^ka | know জানা jana |
learn শেখা shekha | play খেলা khela |
read পড়া poRa | recognize চেনা chena |
reply উত্তর দেওয়া uttor deOya | sing গাওয়া gaOya |
spell বানান করা banan kora | study পড়াশোনা করা poRashOna kora |
teach শেখানো shekhanO | think ভাবা bhaba |
understand বোঝা bOjha | watch পাহারা দেওয়া pahara deOya |
write লেখা lekha | |
30Personal Daily Actions | |
bathe চান করা chan kora | brush teeth দাঁত মাজা dan^t maja |
cook রান্না করা ranna kora | drink পান করা pan kora |
eat খাওয়া khaOya | lie down শোয়া shOya |
sit বসা bosa | sleep ঘুমানো ghumanO |
smoke ধূম পান করা dhUm pan kora | tidy up গোছানো gOchhanO |
wake জাগা jaga | wash ধোয়া dhOya |
wear/put on পরা pora | work কাজ করা kaj kora |
40People Actions | |
believe বিশ্বাস করা bishwas kora | come আসা asa |
complain অভিযোগ করা obhiJOg kora | eliminate বাদ দেওয়া bad deOya |
explain বোঝানো bOjhanO | fill ভরা bhora |
find খুঁজে পাওয়া khun^je paOya | forget ভুলে যাওয়া bhule JaOya |
give দেওয়া deOya | go যাওয়া JaOya |
lose হারানো haranO | take নেওয়া neOya |
throw out ফেলা phela | use ব্যবহার করা bYobohar kora |
want চাওয়া chaOya | worry চিন্তা করা chinta kora |
50General Actions-1 | |
accept গ্রহণ করা grohoN kora | affix/attach লাগানো laganO |
agree সম্মত হওয়া sommoto hoOya | allow অনুমতি দেওয়া onumoti deOya |
be হওয়া hoOya | begin/start শুরু হওয়া shuru hoOya |
can do করতে পারা korote para | close বন্ধ করা bondho kora |
do করা kora | feel অনুভব করা onubhob kora |
finish শেষ করা sheSh kora | fix/repair মেরামত করা meramoto kora |
have/remain থাকা thaka | leave ছেড়ে চলে যাওয়া chheRe chole JaOya |
make/construct তৈরী করা tOIrI kora | open খোলা khOla |
return ফেরা phera | search খোঁজা khOn^ja |
shut/stop বন্ধ করা bondho kora | start শুরু করা shuru kora |
strike/hit মারা mara | try চেষ্টা করা cheShTa kora |
60General Actions-2 | |
break ভাঙা bhaNga | bring আনা ana |
change পরিবর্তন করা poriborton kora | clean পরিষ্কার করা poriShkar kora |
cut কাটা kaTa | get পাওয়া paOya |
hurt ব্যথা দেওয়া bYotha deOya | keep/put রাখা rakha |
kill মেরে ফেলা mere phela | make বানানো bananO |
organise ব্যাবস্থা করা bYabostha kora | reach/arrive পৌঁছানো pOUn^chhanO |
70Travel/Movement | |
climb down নামা nama | climb up ওঠা OTha |
drive গাড়ি চালানো gaRi chalanO | fall পড়ে যাওয়া poRe JaOya |
fly ওড়ানো oRanO | run ছোটা chhOTa |
run/sprint দৌড়ানো dOURanO | stand দাঁড়ানো dan^RanO |
swim সাঁতার কাটা san^tar kaTa | travel ভ্রমণ করা bhromoN kora |
wait অপেক্ষা করা opekSha kora | walk হাঁটা han^Ta |
80Buy/Sell/Transact | |
borrow ধার করা dhar kora | buy কেনা kena |
count গোনা gOna | pay দাম দেওয়া dam deOya |
sell বিক্রি করা bikri kora | send পাঠানো paThanO |
sign সই করা soi kora | spend খরচ করা khoroch kora |
steal চুরি করা churi kora | |
90Events | |
born জন্মানো jonmanO | die মারা যাওয়া mara JaOya |
live থাকা thaka | marry বিয়ে করা biye kora |
95Passive Voice | |
to be hurt ব্যাথা লাগা bYatha laga | to complete হয়ে যাওয়া hoye JaOya |
to feel afraid ভয় পাওয়া bhoy paOya | to feel cold ঠান্ডা লাগা ThanDa laga |
to feel hungry খিদে পাওয়া khide paOya | to feel like crying কান্না পাওয়া kanna paOya |
to feel warm গরম লাগা gorom laga | to meet দেখা হওয়া dekha hoOya |
to remember মনে হওয়া mone hoOya |
Conjugated Verb list will be shown here. You can then select the Verb form.
Verb Conjugation choice
Creating the Object Phrase
We are ready to create the Object Phrase.Hint for Object setup
Start with a Noun
Choose a Noun which matches your idea of the Object of the sentence.Noun List | |
Animals | |
bear ভালুক bhaluk | buffalo মোষ mOSh |
calf বাছুর bachhur | camel উট uT |
cat বিড়াল biRal | cow গরু goru |
crocodile কুমির kumir | deer হরিণ horiN |
dog কুকুর kukur | goat ছাগল chhagol |
horse ঘোড়া ghORa | jackal শিয়াল shiyal |
lion সিংহ singho | monkey বাঁদর ban^dor |
sheep ভেড়া bheRa | tiger বাঘ bagh |
Birds | |
chicken মুরগি murogi | cock মোরগ mOrog |
crow কাক kak | cuckoo কোকিল kOkil |
duck হাঁস han^s | eagle ঈগল Igol |
heron বক bok | owl প্যাঁচা pYan^cha |
peacock ময়ূর moyUr | |
Currency | |
Dollars ডলার Dolar | Euros ইউরো iurO |
Pounds পাউন্ড pauND | Rupees টাকা Taka |
Direction | |
east পূর্ব দিক pUrbo dik | north উত্তর দিক uttor dik |
south দক্ষিণ দিক dokShiN dik | west পশ্চিম দিক poshchim dik |
Distance | |
kilometers কিলোমিটার kilOmiTar | miles মাইল mail |
Entities | |
boy ছেলে chhele | child বাচ্চা bachcha |
girl মেয়ে meye | group দল dol |
infant শিশু shishu | man লোক lOk |
person মানুষ manuSh | police পুলিশ pulish |
public জনগণ jonogoN | thing জিনিস jinis |
woman নারী narI | |
Food | |
cake কেক kek | dal ডাল Dal |
egg ডিম Dim | fish মাছ machh |
jalebis জিলিপি jilipi | meat মাংস mangso |
milk দুধ dudh | rice ভাত bhat |
sweets মিস্টি misTi | vegetables তরকারি torokari |
water জল jol | yoghurt দই doi |
Fruits | |
apple আপেল apel | banana কলা kola |
grape আঙুর aNgur | guava পেয়ারা peyara |
jackfruit কাঁঠাল kan^Thal | mango আম am |
orange কমলা লেবু komola lebu | pineapple আনারস anaros |
Home and Furniture | |
bed বিছানা bichhana | blankets কম্বল kombol |
car গাড়ি gaRi | chair চেয়ার cheyar |
door দরজা doroja | home বাড়ি baRi |
house বাড়ি baRi | neighbo(u)rs প্রতিবেশী protibeshI |
pictures ছবি chhobi | room ঘর ghor |
umbrella ছাতা chhata | window জানালা janala |
Language | |
Bangla বাংলা bangla | Bengali বাংলা bangla |
English ইংরেজী ingrejI | French ফরাসী phorasI |
Meals | |
breakfast রেকফাস্ট brekophasT | dinner ডিনার Dinar |
lunch লান্চ lanch | snacks জলখাবার jolokhabar |
supper সাপার sapar | |
Nature | |
cloud মেঘ megh | earth পৃথিবী prrithibI |
grass ঘাস ghas | lake লেক lek |
land জমি jomi | life জীবন jIbon |
moon চাঁদ chan^d | ocean সাগর sagor |
part অংশ ongsho | road রাস্তা rasta |
sky আকাশ akash | star তারকা taroka |
sun সূর্য sUrJo | way পথ poth |
world পৃথিবী prrithibI | |
Parts of the Body | |
back পিঠ piTh | belly পেট peT |
blood রক্ত rokto | body শরীর shorIr |
cheek গাল gal | chest বুক buk |
ear কান kan | eye চোখ chOkh |
face মুখ mukh | finger আঙুল aNgul |
hair চুল chul | hand হাত hat |
head মাথা matha | leg পা pa |
mouth মুখ mukh | navel নাভি nabhi |
neck ঘাঢ় ghaRh | nose নাক nak |
skin চামড়া chamoRa | throat গলা gola |
tooth দাঁত dan^t | waist কোমর kOmor |
Place Names | |
India ইন্ডিয়া inDiya | Kolkata কলকাতা kolokata |
London লন্ডন lonDon | New York নিউ ইয়র্ক niu iyork |
Park Street পার্ক স্ট্রিট park sTriT | Portland পোর্টলন্ড pOrTolonD |
Stockholm স্টকহোম sTokohOm | Toronto টরোন্টো TorOnTO |
Reading,Writing | |
alphabets বর্ণমালা borNomala | book বই boi |
examination পরীক্ষা porIkSha | ink কালি kali |
letter চিঠি chiThi | movies সিনেমা sinema |
novels উপন্যাস uponYas | poem কবিতা kobita |
songs গান gan | story গল্প golpo |
student ছাত্র chhatro | |
Sports | |
cricket ক্রিকেট krikeT | kite ঘুড়ি ghuRi |
Things to Buy | |
boat জাহাজ jahaj | hat টুপি Tupi |
price দাম dam | rose গোলাপ gOlap |
sari শাড়ি shaRi | shoes জুতো jutO |
toys খেলনা khelona | |
Time | |
afternoon বিকাল bikal | day দিন din |
evening সন্ধ্যা sondhYa | hour ঘন্টা ghonTa |
month মাস mas | morning সকাল sokal |
night রাত্রি ratri | noon দুপুর dupur |
time সময় somoy | today আজ aj |
tomorrow আগামিকাল agamikal | week সপ্তাহ soptaho |
year বছর bochhor | yesterday গতকাল gotokal |
Uncategorized | |
bag থলি tholi | colors রং rong |
happy খুশি khushi | job চাকরি chakori |
lock তালা tala | lover প্রেমিককে premikoke |
name নাম nam | orders আদেশ adesh |
orders আদেশ adesh | present উপহার upohar |
proposal প্রস্তাব prostab | rent বাড়ির ভারা baRir bhara |
rules নিয়ম niyom | sad দুঃখিত duH^khito |
sweetheart প্রেমিক premik | taxi ট্যাক্সি TYaksi |
thief চোর chor | worried চিন্তা chinta |
Vegetables | |
cabbage বাঁধাকপি ban^dhakopi | carrot গাজর gajor |
cauliflower ফুলকপি phulokopi | eggplant বেগুন begun |
onion পেঁয়াজ pen^yaj | potato আলু alu |
Noun choice
Enhancing the Object Phrase
Add Optional Preposition
Prepositions are words that give a location or time dimension to a Noun. For example,"I walked road" should be "I walked on the road"
"He fell table" should be "He fell from the table"
"He ran house" should be "He ran inside the house"
"He read lunch" should be "He read before lunch"
Choose a Preposition (or the "I do not want.." button) based on the sentence you want to create.
Prepositions List | |
Place | |
on the -র/-ের উপরে -r/-er upore | inside the -র/-ের ভিতরে -r/er bhitore |
outside the -র/-ের বাইরে -r/er baire | at the -তে/-েতে -te/-ete |
for the -র/-ের জন্য -r/-er jonYo | to -য়ে/-ে -ye/-e |
under the -র/-ের নিচে -r/-er niche | on the right -র/-ের ডানদিকে -r/-er Danodike |
on the left -র/-ের বাঁদিকে -r/-er ban^dike | on the front -র/-ের সামনে -r/-er samone |
on the back -র/-ের পিছনে -r/-er pichhone | along the side -র/-ের ধারে -r/-er dhare |
all around -র/-ের চারপাশে -r/-er charopashe | in the middle -র/-ের মধ্যে -r/-er modhYe |
from -র/-ের থেকে -r/-er theke | |
Time | |
before -র/-ের আগে -r/-er age | after -র/-ের পরে -r/-er pore |
Preposition choice
Add Optional Adjective
An Adjective adds description to a Noun. An Adjective can describe size, color, temperature etc of the Noun. The use of an Adjective will make your Object more desriptive.Choose an Adjective (or the "I do not want.." button) based on the sentence you want to create.
Adjectives List | |
Big/Little | |
big বড় boRo | little ছোট chhOTo |
Color | |
white সাদা sada | black কালো kalO |
red লাল lal | blue নীল nIl |
green সবুজ sobuj | yellow হলদে holode |
pink গোলাপী gOlapI | brown খয়েরী khoyerI |
Counts | |
One এক ek | Ten দশ dosh |
Hundred শত shoto | Thousand হাজার hajar |
Lakh=1,00,000 লাখ lakh | |
Dirty/Clean | |
dirty নোংরা nOngra | clean পরিষ্কার poriShkar |
Early/Late | |
early আগে age | late দেরি deri |
Few/Many | |
few অল্প olpo | many অনেক onek |
First/Last | |
first প্রথম prothom | last শেষ sheSh |
Good/Bad | |
good ভাল bhalo | bad খারাপ kharap |
High/Low | |
high উঁচু un^chu | low নিচু nichu |
Hot/Cold | |
hot গরম gorom | cold ঠান্ডা ThanDa |
Languages | |
Bangla বাংলায় banglay | in English ইংরেজীতে ingrejIte |
Large/Small | |
large বড় boRo | small ছোট chhOTo |
Long/Short | |
long লম্বা lomba | short ছোট chhOTo |
New/Old | |
new নতুন notun | old পুরনো puronO |
Own/Other | |
own নিজের nijer | other অন্য onYo |
Previous/Next | |
previous পূর্ববর্তী pUrbobortI | next পরবর্তী porobortI |
Same/Different | |
same একই ekoi | different আলাদা alada |
Young/Old | |
young যুবক Jubok | old বুড়ো buRO |
Adjective choice
Add Optional Determiner
Determiners are words that point to a specific instance of a Noun. For example, instead of saying "dog", you may want to say "that dog". Its use in Bangla is quite limited, except when you are pointing at something as in "I want that fish".There is also a set of adjectives that can be made from the Possessive case of a Noun (eg "my house", "uncles's car", "Tagore's songs", "children's books", "friends' houses" or "doctor's car").
Choose a Determiner (or the "I do not want.." button) based on the sentence you want to create.
Determiners List | |
Common Determiners | |
the noun-টা noun-Ta | this এই noun-টা ei noun-Ta |
that ওই noun-টা Oi noun-Ta |
Determiner choice
Enhancing Verb Phrase
Adding an Adverb to the Verb
An Adverb will add more information to a Verb. In English, the Adverb is added after the Verb as in "go quickly". In Bangla, since it has an S-O-V sequence, the Adverb is added before the Verb as in taRataRi Jabo তাড়াতাড়ি যাব.
Adverbs are usually used to emphasize the intent of the Verb as in "I quickly came home" or "He slowly read the book".
Choose an Adverb (or the "I do not want.." button) based on the sentence you want to create.
Click on a radio button before the Adverb, then click on button "Select Adverb".
I do not want any Adverb Adverb List
a little
khub Direction
Danodik Speed
Adding an Adverb to the Verb
An Adverb will add more information to a Verb. In English, the Adverb is added after the Verb as in "go quickly". In Bangla, since it has an S-O-V sequence, the Adverb is added before the Verb as in taRataRi Jabo তাড়াতাড়ি যাব. Adverbs are usually used to emphasize the intent of the Verb as in "I quickly came home" or "He slowly read the book".Choose an Adverb (or the "I do not want.." button) based on the sentence you want to create. Click on a radio button before the Adverb, then click on button "Select Adverb".
Adverb List | |
Amount | |
a little একটু ekoTu | very খুব khub |
Direction | |
far দূরে dUre | left বাঁদিকে ban^dike |
near কাছে kachhe | right ডানদিক Danodik |
Speed | |
quickly তাড়াতাড়ি taRataRi | slowly আস্তেআস্তে asteaste |
Adverb Choice
The Complete Sentence - Subject, Object and Verb
The Complete sentence is shown in the floating box in upper right of the window.Changing the Subject, Object and Verb
You can go back to the relevant sections and change any of the components of the sentence. The sentence will be dynamically recreated using your changes and the sentence will be shown on the floating Sentence Status box on the upper right.To start a new sentence
Manually fine-tuning your Bangla Sentence
This Wizard has a restricted vocabulary and forms sentences with a single Subject, Object and Verb. Advanced users may want to adjust the created sentence. For example, you could have created a sentence I will go to Kolkata. In this part, you could expand it to I and my family will go to Kolkata in July which adds a Conjunction ("and my family" in the Subject, and a Prepositional phrase ("in July") to the Object. In Phonetic English, change ami kolokataye Jabo. to ami ar amar poribar julai mase kolokataye Jabo. which will be আমি আর আমার পরিবার জুলাই মাসে কলকাতায়ে যাব।The current sentence is already in the English Phonetic. Make your changes in English Phonetic and see your enhanced Bangla Sentence.